May 30, 2010

Beauty and the Beast

You figured I would have Greenscreened a Disney movie sooner. They're classics, of course, and I'm sure many of you have either pondered doing it on your own or went ahead and did it. I haven't honestly. I didn't have any interest in doing it because I thought it wouldn't be interesting. But my friend came to me and begged me to watch it high. She even gave me the weed to smoke, though she didn't watch it with me. Admittedly, I don't like greenscreening movies alone; that kind of goes against the whole point. But I decided to give this one a shot. In truth, I'm kind of glad I did. This film nearly drove me insane.

It wasn't bad...not terrible anyway. I mean, the things you'd expect to entertain a stoned kid entertained me. The music wasn't good; in fact, it was down right uncomfortable at moments (except for maybe "Be Our Guest." That was pretty fun). The animation isn't particularly remarkable (although Gaston's character design really tripped me out....), but it is very stoner-friendly.
What really got me about this movie, though, was the concept. Now it may have been just me or the weed, but just for a second, I want you to think about this:
Most of the major characters in the movie are portrayed as formerly normal humans that were transformed into household objects. This would be fine, if it weren't for the fact that I'm high and I overanalyze things. Have you realized how sadistic this concept is? The first moment I began to realize this was when Belle is drinking out of Chip, the boy/teacup, and Chip says "That tickles!" This proves that the characters are capable of feeling! So all these images of them falling apart, being set on fire (in the case of Luminere), and sheared and cleaned mean that they are actually feeling it! Has no one ever noticed this before? Watch it again and I swear it'll freak you out.
High Points
"Try the grey stuff, it's delicious!" (yummmmm....)

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