Dec 27, 2009

What I'm Trying to Do: An Introduction

There are plenty of sites on the web concerning the various aspects of the stoner culture, but there are very few dedicated to exploring stoner media. Now, I'm not talking about music or movies that are designed to appeal to stoners; I'm talking about how pot affects the media as we perceive it.

My mission is to, once a week, see a movie while I'm stoned and record how different it is from being sober. Now, this means I will have seen the movies I choose beforehand, but not ones I've seen while high. That way, there's a fresh experience to record. Granted, my experiences are going to be different from yours, but I figure there is some common ground on how pot affects our movie viewing. So, I will generalize my experience and then have a section devoted to the best parts, or "HighPoints" as I call them. Also, since I believe it's important, I will record what cured my munchies, if I have them at all.

So please, if you have questions or requests of movies you want me to do, send me an email.

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